Walking for weight loss is one of the simplest ways to add more activity to your day and see the numbers on the scale go down. Walking helps your body burn more calories when you keep up a quicker pace, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). A 154-pound person burns 280 calories an hour walking at a moderate pace (3.5 miles per hour) and 460 calories an hour walking at a vigorous pace (4.5 miles per hour).
When walking for weight loss, you need supportive footwear, comfortable clothes, and a safe place to walk. Read on to learn how far to walk to lose weight, how to make walking a regular part of your daily routine, and some walking workout ideas.
How Much Should You Walk to Lose Weight
Walking for weight loss requires keeping a moderate pace for 30 or more minutes at least five days a week. Keeping a stride that increases your heart rate is more effective at helping you reach your goals than a casual stroll.
If you walk at a moderate pace for at least 150 minutes per week (a 30-minute walk five days a week) it can also offer a range of other health benefits like improvements in blood pressure, blood sugar, and cholesterol. Regular walking may also help boost your mood and improve your sleep.
Getting to and maintaining a healthy weight is a long-term commitment that must include lifestyle changes you can follow for the rest of your life. This includes eating a nutritious, balanced diet and getting regular physical activity.
Making good food choices and getting more exercise affects your calorie equation or the number of calories you need to maintain your weight. You must create a calorie deficit to lose weight by eating fewer calories, burning more calories, or both.
Walking for Weight Loss
Walking is already part of your day, and turning it into a form of exercise that helps with weight management doesn’t have to be complicated. You can even break up your walks into 10-minute increments if time is limited.
All activity counts toward your fitness goals; even something as small as walking up one flight of stairs instead of using the elevator provides benefits. Put comfortable walking shoes and your gym bag in your car to ensure you're always ready to walk. Keep an eye out for sales when shopping for walking shoes for women to ensure you have a dedicated pair for the car.
Bring a refillable water bottle with you to stay hydrated throughout your day. Here are some additional tips for ensuring walking is part of your day.
Set Achievable Goals
When creating a walking for weight loss plan, set realistic goals for yourself. Vigorous walking drives better outcomes, but starting at a pace that suits your current fitness level may lead to you sticking to your goals.
It's important to be specific, such as setting a goal to walk certain days at a particular time. Then, after you meet your initial goal, you can slowly increase the length or intensity of your walks as your fitness improves. Unattainable goals can set you up for failure, especially regarding weight loss.
Track Your Progress
Consider using a fitness tracker to record the distance, duration, and intensity of your walks. This can be motivating and a way to monitor your progress. A walking app or good pedometer can help you hit your goals while walking to lose weight, whether you’re aiming for 10,000 steps or 60 minutes a day.
Park Far Away
Instead of parking as close to the door as possible, park at the far end of the lot. This helps you get in more steps and saves you the frustration of finding that perfect parking spot right near the door.
Take the Stairs
Taking the stairs instead of the elevator helps you get additional steps and more strenuous physical activity.
Walk During Lunch
Use part of your lunch break to stroll through the office or around the neighborhood. To make it more enjoyable and to help you stay motivated, invite your co-workers and make your lunchtime walk more fun and social.
Invite Friends to Hike Instead of Coffee
Getting together with friends is important for your mental and social well-being. Instead of meeting for coffee or lunch, make plans to check out the local hiking trails in your area.
Walk While You Wait
Any time you have more time to spare, take a walk. Early for an appointment? Walk around the block. Have a few extra minutes during Little League practice? Take a brisk walk around the field. Idle time can be the perfect opportunity to walk for weight loss.
Sample Walking Workout Plans
Adding more walks to your daily routine is a great way to boost physical activity. But when walking for weight loss, you may need to step things up a notch to reach your fitness goals. After getting the OK from a healthcare provider, try one or all of these workouts that are perfect as a walking for weight loss plan.
Treadmill Walking Workout
With a treadmill walking workout, you never have to worry about the weather spoiling your exercise routine. Plan for a 30-minute workout. First, start with a 5-minute warm-up at a moderate intensity at about 3.5 MPH and no incline.
Increase the incline to 3% and pace to 4.0 MPH, walk briskly for 5 minutes, then lower your incline to zero and pace back to moderate intensity, and walk for 2 minutes.
Raise the incline of your treadmill back to 3% and increase your pace to 4.2 MPH so you’re walking a bit faster. Stay at this pace and incline for 5 minutes, then return to zero incline and a moderate pace for 2 minutes. Increase your incline to 3% and your pace back to a brisk walk at 4.0 MPH for 5 minutes.
Lower your incline back to zero and your pace to moderate intensity (3.5 MPH) for your 5-minute cooldown. As your fitness improves, increase the incline or speed of your walk. Make sure you keep your arms moving during your workout for maximum benefit. Also, maintain good posture during your treadmill walk—head up and eyes forward—to reduce the risk of injury.
We've tried, tested, and reviewed the best treadmills. Explore which option may be best for you if you're in the market for an activity tracker.
High-Intensity Interval Walking Workout
High-intensity interval training (HIIT) is a type of workout that alternates between periods of intense exercise followed by quick bouts of recovery. Using the HIIT workout while walking to lose weight is an efficient way to get the health benefits of a moderate-intensity aerobic workout in a shorter period.
A HIIT walking workout is similar to a treadmill workout but one you can do anywhere. First, start with a 5-minute warm-up, walking at a pace that allows you to have a conversation without getting winded.
Then increase your speed, so you’re walking at a pace that makes having a conversation difficult. Continue at this faster pace for 2 minutes, then slow back down to a conversational pace for 2 minutes and repeat. Repeat this pattern five times, walking intensely for 2 minutes, followed by a 2-minute recovery.
Once you complete your HIIT walking workout, walk at a moderate pace for 5 minutes to cool down. You can increase the duration of your HIIT walking workout as your endurance improves.
Hill Walking Workout
It is no secret that walking uphill is challenging, and incorporating a hill into your walking workout is a great way to change your fitness routine. It tests your strength and endurance and works different muscle groups.
Start with a 5-minute warm-up walking on level ground. Then start your uphill climb. Use short steps, maintain a steady pace, and lean slightly into the hill at your ankles, keeping your torso over your hips.
If you lean too far forward or backward when walking uphill, you throw your body off balance, putting yourself at risk of injury. Walk at a pace that allows you to carry on a conversation without gasping for breath. What goes up must come down. When walking downhill, keep your torso upright, and bend at the knees.
Bottom Line
Walking makes a good exercise choice for weight management. It is relatively inexpensive and a workout you can do almost anywhere. When walking for weight loss, create goals you can hit to keep yourself motivated.
There is nothing wrong with starting with 10-minute daily walks and slowly increasing as your fitness, endurance, and motivation improves. All types of physical activity put you on the road to wellness. Make sure you talk to a healthcare provider before beginning your new walking regimen. They can help you determine what is right for you.
Frequently Asked Questions
Yes! Walking is a good form of exercise that helps you burn calories. But when walking to lose weight you need to follow a balanced diet that provides the right number of calories and nutrients to support your health and your weight loss.
Though walking faster burns more calories, when it comes to weight loss, the amount of time you walk is more important than the speed of your walk. If you want to lose more than 5% of your current body weight and keep it off, you should aim for 60-minute walks five days a week.
Learn More What Is a Brisk Walking Pace? -
The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services says you need more than 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise a week to lose weight. That means you need to walk 60 or more minutes five days a week. Adding two days of strength-training a week also helps you manage your weight. However, the most effective way to reach your goal weight and stay there is by combining a balanced diet with regular physical activity like walking.
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