How to Track Your Weight Loss Progress

Have you ever spent several weeks exercising and following a weight loss diet, only to watch the scale stay at the exact same number day after day? If so, you aren't alone — and there is a reason for that. The scale doesn't tell the whole story.

In fact, if you're working out, your body is changing. Your heart is learning to work more efficiently, your circulation is getting better, and deep inside your cells, you're actually growing more mitochondria.

All of these changes are necessary for weight loss to happen, but it's hard to get excited about changes that we can't see and feel. So, if the changes are happening and you can't measure them, and the scale isn't moving how do you know if you're making progress?

Maybe it's time to find a new way to track your progress.

Ways to Track Your Body Fat

Scale weight can be a useful number to know but, even better, is knowing your body fat percentage. This is important because scale weight doesn't always tell the whole story. A bodybuilder will have far more muscle than is typical for his weight, and standard height-weight measurements such as the body mass index (BMI) may rank him as overweight even if he has very low body fat.

Knowing your body fat percentage can give you a better idea of how much fat you really need to lose and, even better, whether you're making progress in your program, things your scale can't tell you. It's possible for your scale weight to remain the same, even as you slim down, especially if you're losing fat and gaining muscle.

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a dated, biased measure that doesn’t account for several factors, such as body composition, ethnicity, race, gender, and age. 


Despite being a flawed measure, BMI is widely used today in the medical community because it is an inexpensive and quick method for analyzing potential health status and outcomes.

There are plenty of options for body fat testing including Bioelectrical impedance scales, calipers, DEXA (dual energy X-ray absorptiometry), hydrostatic weighing, and online calculators like the one below.

Get the most out of your body fat measurement by:

  • Checking it once a week or every other week. Body fat doesn't vanish overnight and you may not see those small changes if you measure every day.
  • Having the same person measure you each time. Different trainers will measure you in different ways, so stick with the same person each time and make sure the person is very experienced in measuring body fat.
  • Keeping track of your numbers in a journal or calendar. Accountability is key.
  • Measuring under consistent circumstances. If using a bioelectrical impedance scale, be sure to measure under the same conditions each time. Hydration, food intake, and skin temperature can affect body fat measurements.

The Problem With Scales

Scales don't always give you the whole story about your body or your weight loss progress. For that reason, scales (when used alone) aren't the best way to track what's really going on inside your body. You can consider upgrading to a smart scale, which also measures things like body fat percentage, BMI, and muscle mass, however these scales only give you an estimate.

Another reason to dislike scales is the emotional nature of weighing yourself. Stepping on a scale doesn't just give a number, it can determine how you feel about yourself and affect your body image.

The problem with bodyweight scales is that they measure everything — fat, muscle, bones, organs, and even that sip of water or bite of food you've had. The scale can't tell you what you've lost or gained, which is important information if you're trying to lose weight—and by weight, what we really mean is fat.

Why Your Weight Fluctuates

The numbers you see on the scale can vary due to several factors. It is important to take all these things into consideration when tracking your weight loss progress.

Food Weight Gain

Weighing yourself after a meal isn't the best idea simply because food adds weight. When you eat it, your body will add that weight as well. It doesn't mean you've gained weight, it simply means that you've added something to your body (something that will be eliminated through digestion over the next several hours).

Muscle Gain

Muscle is more dense than fat and it takes up less space, so adding muscle could increase your scale weight, even though you're slimming down.That doesn't mean the scale is useless. In fact, it's a wonderful tool when you combine it with your body fat percentage. Knowing both of these numbers will tell you whether you're losing the right kind of weight: fat.

Water Weight Gain

Because the body is about 60% water, fluctuations in your hydration levels can change the number on a scale. If you're dehydrated or have eaten too much salt, your body may actually retain water, which can cause scale weight to creep up. Similarly, many women retain water during menstrual cycles, which is another thing that can make that number change.

Find Your Body Fat and Lean Weights

Multiply your weight by your body fat percentage. For example, a person who weighs 150 lbs with 21% body fat has 31 lbs of fat and 118 lbs of lean tissue (150 x 0.21 = 31.5 lbs of fat, 150 - 31.5 = 118 lean tissue).

Keeping track of these numbers on a weekly or monthly basis will help you see what you're losing and/or what you're gaining. Try these tricks to make weighing yourself a useful and more positive experience:

  • Limit yourself monthly weigh-ins, instead of daily or weekly, to give your body time to respond to your weight loss program. The scale won't reflect small changes happening in your body composition.
  • Remember, the scale weighs everything. Just because your scale weight hasn't changed doesn't mean you aren't making progress.
  • Use scale weight, along with body fat percentage, for a more accurate view of your progress
  • Weigh first thing in the morning, before you eat or drink anything.

If the scale freaks you out and body fat testing isn't an option, your next best choice is taking measurements.

How to Take Your Body Measurements

Taking body measurements is a great option for tracking progress because it doesn't require any fancy equipment and anyone can do it. Taking measurements of certain areas can give you an idea of where you're losing fat, which is important since we all lose fat in different areas and in a different order.Taking your measurements can help reassure you that things are happening—even if you're not losing fat exactly where you want just yet.

Start by wearing tight-fitting clothing (or no clothing) and make a note of what you're wearing so you know to wear the same clothes the next time you measure. Here's how to do it:

  • Bust: Measure around the chest right at the nipple line, but don't pull the tape too tight.
  • Calves: Measure around the largest part of each calf.
  • Chest: Measure just under your bust.
  • Forearm: Measure around the largest part of the arm below the elbow.
  • Hips: Place the tape measure around the biggest part of your hips.
  • Thighs: Measure around the biggest part of each thigh.
  • Upper arm: Measure around the largest part of each arm above the elbow.
  • Waist: Measure a half-inch above your belly button or at the smallest part of your waist.

You can use this progress chart to record your measurements. Take them again once a week or once a month to see if you're losing inches.

Gauge Progress by How Your Clothes Fit

It may seem obvious, but don't overlook one of the simplest ways to track progress—how your clothes fit. You may want to take a picture of yourself wearing a bathing suit and keep it in your weight loss journal. Each month, take a new picture and you'll be surprised at how many changes you notice in a picture as opposed to just seeing yourself in the mirror.

You can also use your clothes to keep track of your progress. Choose one pair of pants that are a little tight and try them on every four weeks to see how they fit. Make a note of where they feel loose, where they feel tight, and how you feel wearing them. Whatever the scale says, your pants will never lie.

The Bottom Line

Whichever method you choose to track your progress, be patient with yourself. It takes months for many of us to see significant changes and, even then, you'll probably notice the weight fluctuating as your eating habits and workouts change.

It is also just as important to gauge how you are feeling internally, as well as the progress on the scale. You may feel like you have more energy, a more optimistic outlook, feel stronger, have reduced blood pressure, and better cholesterol numbers. Exercising and eating healthy pays off in so many more ways than simply the number on the scale.

6 Sources
Verywell Fit uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.
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  2. Zierle-Ghosh A, Jan A. Physiology, Body Mass Index (BMI), StatPearls Publishing.

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  4. Heymsfield SB, Gonzalez MC, Shen W, Redman L, Thomas D. Weight loss composition is one-fourth fat-free mass: a critical review and critique of this widely cited ruleObes Rev. 2014;15(4):310–321. doi:10.1111/obr.12143

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  6. Painter SL, Ahmed R, Hill JO, et al. What Matters in Weight Loss? An In-Depth Analysis of Self-MonitoringJ Med Internet Res. 2017;19(5):e160. Published 2017 May 12. doi:10.2196/jmir.7457

By Paige Waehner, CPT
Paige Waehner is a certified personal trainer, author of the "Guide to Become a Personal Trainer," and co-author of "The Buzz on Exercise & Fitness."